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On Sunday the 25th I am going to do an animtronicx workshop covering driving
motors, servos and relays with the arduino/wiring platform.
I will be covering the a couple of popular chips: The l293D for
driving motors , and the ULN2803 darlington array for driving relays,
stepper motors and other devices.
The workshop will cost $35 and will include these chips, a motor, a standard sized servo and a board for the motor driver.

The idea is to get as much hands on and working as possible so please
bring your arduino,freeduino,teensy,or dorkboard, a soldering iron, some wire and your
laptop and we will get our hands dirty.
I am limited to 25 on this one so please RSVP as soon as possible.

This will be in room 205 at PNCA (NW 12th and Johnson) from 1-5 pm.

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