(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/17/day-17-thing-17-soldering-iron-timer-redux/) Today I really made Space and time (The appartment was getting a bit difficult to get around in). So this is a make up entry. After oxydizing the first tip on my new weller I decided it was time to build a new soldering iron timer (and one for my glue gun… Read more »
Posts Tagged: thing a day
Day 16: Thing 16: Headbucket Headlights (more things that go blink in the night)
(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/16/day-16-thing-16-headbucket-headlights-more-things-that-go-blink-in-the-night/) I went to the hardware store to replace the tip on my new Weller soldering iron after discovering that Radio Shack did not have a suitable one. At radio shack I picked up two 1100 mcd leds. On the way back I went to the art supply store to see if they… Read more »
Day 15: Thing 15: 8×8 Led Array Panel (Another thing that Goes Blink in the Night).
(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/15/day-15-thing-15-8×8-led-array-panel-another-thing-that-goes-blink-in-the-night/) Yesterday I went to Tap Plastics and bought some resin after working on the programmer (yesterday’s thing). At dinner last night (which saved me from pulling my hair out for the entire evening trying to get virtual pc to flash the xbee modules from my mac) I was complaining that I have… Read more »
Day 14: Thing 14: Remote Arduino Programmer.
(Archive of : http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/14/day-14-thing-14-remote-arduino-programmer-failed/) I have been so happy with the programmer that I have been using that I wanted to add this capability to the xbee rf modules that I built a few months ago. I wired dio0 to both send and recieve boards and put the cap on the output side and wired… Read more »
Day 13: Thing 13 — Mold
(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/13/day-13-thing-13-mold/) Today I made a MESS. Really, I made a rubber mold for casting resin . I was given a section of a large display recently that was made up of 6 5×7 led modules. The modules were embedded in epoxy with the lenses built into the front. As most of the led… Read more »
Day12: Thing12 — Helmet Taillights
(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/12/day12-thing12-helmet-taillights/) One of our local dorkbots put an arduino in a bucket the other day and I got inspired to put one in my head bucket. I lined the two largest holes in the back of the helmet with foil tape (for ducts) and then built two boards with leds and mounted in… Read more »
Day 7: Thing 7: TA8080K Motor Board
(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/07/day-7-thing-7-ta8080k-motor-board/) I have long been annoyed with how the l293s require 3 pins per motor to drive them and traded a couple of on hand mega8s for a bag of these toshiba parts. They are 1 amp motor drivers and perfect for some of the things I am working on for thing a… Read more »
Day 5: Thing 5 — Frame for internal Combustion
(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/05/day-5-thing-5-frame-for-internal-combustion/) I have a painting that I did almost 10 years ago called internal combustion. It was done on blueprints fixed to foamcore. The piece is about 40″ in diameter and has been moved 8 times. It has clearly seen better days. I wanted to build a frame for it. As it is… Read more »
Day 4, Thing 4 Aduino (adaboot) Programmer.
(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/04/day-4-thing-4-aduino-adaboot-programmer/) I was using the programming half of a a bulky prototype that I have been working on to program one of the mice from Day 1 and I looked at the pile hanging precariously off of the coffe table and thought to myself. “I need to just build one of these. “… Read more »
Thing 3 (tiny45 emulation using the Arduino)
(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day2.com/2008/02/03/thing-3-tiny45-emulation-using-the-arduino/) A while ago I started working on a flapping wing mechanism using voice coils taken our of hard drives. To drive them I built a set of boards based on the Atmel tiny45. After getting the basic motion down I wanted to use a light sensor to detect motion so that they… Read more »