Errata for Page 310:
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I know I should start with the stuff I will be working with next week in class but I just got back from giving a talk on using sysex to debug arduino code over midi. So my head is in the midi domain.
The pseudo code is
loop: read sensor convert sensor value to a note play MIDI note pause a quarter second stop MIDI note end loop
There are two ways to send the midi note on/off message.
1. You can write the (3) bytes out at 31250 baud.
int sensor = 2; void setup() { // Set MIDI baud rate: Serial.begin(31250); } void loop() int value=analogRead(sensor); int note = map(value, 1, 750/65, 60, 71); Serial.write(0x90); //note on channel 1 Serial.write(note); Serial.write(0x45); //velocity. delay(250); Serial.write(0x90); //note on channel 1 Serial.write(note); Serial.write(0x00); //velocity=0->OFF. }
Or you can use the GPL3d midi library provided by the arduino.
#include <Midi.h> void setup() { MIDI.begin(0); // input channel is set to 0 } void loop() { int value=analogRead(sensor); note = map(value, 1, 750/65, 60, 71); MIDI.sendNoteOn(note,40,0); delay(250); // Wait for a bit MIDI.sendNoteOff(note,0,0); }