I wanted to quickly demonstrate using a stepper motor from a floppy drive with the Arduino/Wiring platform as a follow up to the weekend’s workshop. By the time we got to the stepper parts I was a bit scattered. So here is an example that I set up yesterday.
Monthly Archives:: October 2009
Scary George. (driving a floppy drive stepper with the Arduino/Wiring platform)
I wanted to quickly demonstrate using a stepper motor from a floppy drive with the Arduino/Wiring platform as a follow up to the weekend’s workshop. By the time we got to the stepper parts I was a bit scattered. So here is an example that I set up yesterday. I have a talking George Bush… Read more »
Motors and Servos and Solenoids, OH MY (rev2).
On Sunday the 25th I am going to do an animtronicx workshop covering driving
motors, servos and relays with the arduino/wiring platform.
I will be covering the a couple of popular chips: The l293D for
driving motors , and the ULN2803 darlington array for driving relays,
stepper motors and other devices.
The workshop will cost $35 and will include these chips, a motor, a standard sized servo and a board for the motor driver.
The idea is to get as much hands on and working as possible so please
Arduino Cult Induction, Techshop Session. 11 October 2009