(Archive of: http://www.thing-a-day.com/?p=1332) Today I re-wrote a USB servo driver for the benito and reconstructed the periscope that I built last year for the quartz composer demo that I wrote in December. iSight Periscope USB to Servo Controller View from the Periscope
Posts By: feurig
Noise Puking Benitos — The devil in the details.
A few people including myself have had some issues with their Benito’s where the programmer sets one light on constantly and the next thing that happens is the the mac will go comatose (or to the beach if you like spinney ball metaphores). Not a very confidence inspiring behavior. To make matters worse the behavior was completely inconsistent.
Embedding Quartz Compositions in Cocoa Applications.
Yesterday I asked Greg Borenstein what he was using to do his really cool Arduino presentations to show the hardware alongside the code being used to program it. His answer suprised me. It was a simple Quartz Composition run using Composer. He used it to flip the views put out by his web cam so… Read more »
January Induction Followup.
I recently fixed some issues with the benito arduino programmer and upgraded it to the latest version of the LUFA library. I hadnt noticed that there was a miss match between the .inf and the library supplied descriptors. My appoligies to the two xp users. As this is the only batch with this issue I will reprogram the boards that I currently have. In the mean time this can be fixed by changing the following line in the current driver file from:
%Modem3% = Modem3, USBVID_03EB&PID_204B
%Modem3% = Modem3, USBVID_03EB&PID_2044
Arduino Cult Induciton: Second Session Feb 8th.
The Second session of the induction is getting close to 20 prepayed people so if you havent rsvpd please do so soon (either bring check/money to the meeting monday or paypal $25 to cult /at/ tempusdictum.com)
PS There will be another induction in late april.
3 Ways to 3 Volts.
copied from: http://blog.tempusdictum.com/index.php/don/electronics/3-ways-to-3-volts
I have a few devices that I need to interface to either the benito or another avr board that run at 3.3v. one is an ethernet interface, one is a bluetooth modem and then there are the x-bees.
One Way: Simple Voltage Divider.
3 ways to 3 volts
I have a few devices that I need to interface to either the benito or another avr board that run at 3.3v. one is an ethernet interface, one is a bluetooth modem and then there are the x-bees. One Way: Simple Voltage Divider. When looking for interface examples for the xbee I found a site… Read more »
Glen’s “Cellular Automata Video Synthesizer”
Practice 1, Theory 1
As part of getting the new workspace space I moved the toxins related to casting and circuit board fabrication out of my apartment. The theory being that the space is semi industrial. So as a test of the new space I took one of Alex Normans board designs and etched it. Since the last time… Read more »