(Notes to myself #rethinkeverything) Switch hands Move the pain Rewire the brain It’s your data… Hand Copy it in Triplicate. If its social then scrape it and automate it. God knows they do. It’s your work. They can’t own what you learn. Redact and copy your notes in Triplicate. Create/test and share open source gists/solutions… Read more »
Posts By: feurig
Raspberry pi to vt320 interface..

My holiday project. I am really disliking the new wordpress editor. It wasn’t broken. May move this site to markdown and hugo.
In our last post we talked about wanting explore the use of two I2C based io expanders in an old school application. If it werent for the fact that there was a readymade lcd library for the mcp23017 I would have swapped the io expanders. No Pull-ups, No Pulldowns and no decent documentation on the… Read more »
Introducing my latest rathole: PiTerm1986
This is a snapshot of the current readme: Updates and current progress are on its github page: https://github.com/feurig/PiTerm1986 GOAL: Convert 80s style user interface ( 8031 based ADP Product: chicklet keyboard and 2×20 lcd ) to pi zero based terminal using i2c based io expanders. Looking under the keyboard membrane and tracing the connectors we… Read more »
E-Paper is Slow.
I was going to explain how we got here but. Nah. It is what it is.
LEDE 19.07 on the Ubiquity ER-lite3
The Ubiquity EdgeRouter Lite is my new favorite OpenWrt device. It is fast and inexpensive ($150 new) and the os is on a USB Stick. Pros 3 independent Gigabit network ports. Serial Console Cheap and still supported. Stock Edge-os would work for most tasks. OS on a USB-stick easiest backup and install EVER. 512 K… Read more »
My first E-bike
Last time the government gave me a significant amount of unexpected money I bought a sporterized mac 90 (a semiautomatic ak-47). This time I decided to join a different revolution. With a projected cap of $1200 I asked a friend to help me pick parts for converting a Yamaha 850 tripple to electric. He remembered… Read more »
Just like starting over…..
Is this thing on?
If anyone is still here for some reason.
I should drop out more often.
Things are different. In the 2+ years after I gave up on making things for a living a lot of things have changed. Things on my personal radar…. The price points for adding wifi for Q<1000 is not $15. It’s $3. The Midi Manufacturers Association finally put 3.3v into the hardware standard. The Non compete… Read more »