War on Christmas Lights from Donald Delmar Davis on Vimeo. Last year I cast a series of led arrays for thing-a-day but hadnt wired them up. With this in mind I ordered some hc595s in the last group order but the snow canceled the meeting. I have been thinking about using the avr to drive… Read more »
Posts By: feurig
Testing the Atmel Mega32U4
While I am wrangling with the appropriate board design, I needed to get started working with the underlying software so I ran up one of the six samples I was able to get from Cascade on a tqfp adapter from measure explorer. The AtMega32U4 http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/product_card.asp?part_id=4317 is the midrange model in the atmel usb chipset. It… Read more »
To Boldly Go…
I finally got a chance to wire up the first of my ATMega32U4 samples (see atmel doc7766). Like all of atmel’s usb chips it comes up as a bootloader. Now we get to go through the list of things that are probably broken (starting with dfu-programmer which I already know from fixing it for the at90usb647 is broken).
Focused Workshop, 30Nov08, Making Noise with the Arduino.
As a part of the ongoing Arduino Cult Induction workshop series, this month we will be focusing on sound.
In particular I will be going over creating sound using the Arduino’s built in Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Direct Digital Synthesis using resistive ladders. We will investigate using the Piezo element
as both a simple speaker and an input trigger. We will review the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) from a hardware and software perspective, and look at a couple of useful integrated
Build Your own open source usb/midi gateway
I am trying to digest this document.
USB encapsulates midi data into 4 byte chunks and adds the notion of virtual cables.
The first byte in the packet is the cable number and something called the Code Index Number. The remaining 3 bytes are either midi or padding depending on the packet.
Most of the relevant midi status commands have a corresponding Code Index Number.