I have a few devices that I need to interface to either the benito or another avr board that run at 3.3v. one is an ethernet interface, one is a bluetooth modem and then there are the x-bees.
One Way: Simple Voltage Divider.
When looking for interface examples for the xbee I found a site that started out with a circuit from maxstream and then once everything was working tried a resistor based voltage divider. This is how I got my first set of x-bees running via the ftdi chips.

One thing that this circuit didn’t do for me was to provide a decent pull-down for the reset. The 2 transistors on the right of this circuit are an attempt to do just that.
Another Way: Run everything at 3.3v
If you look at the datasheet for the atmega168 you will find the following diagram.

Looking at this you can see that 16mhz may or may not be in the operating range at 3.3v. But if you drop the crystal down to 8mhz you are good for sure. You may have to change a few things but it is doable.
The Ever Illusive Third: Buffers.
The idea of adding another layer at each interface between boards can have you asking for some Tzatziki and falafel to go with the PITA. There are buffers which are designed specifically for this. Many of the odd, many of them expensive. But there are also many families of buffer which are “tolerant” of a range of voltages outside of their supply. One of the buffers I checked out was the 74abt126 which is a tri state buffer. (I was looking at that because with the tristate buffers you can actually do a two way buffer by selecting the direction). I am not entirely certain that the 5v receive side is kosher with these.
The other buffers I am looking at with 5v tolerant i/o are the 74lvc125 and 74lvc126. These are 3.6v native parts with 5v “tolerant” io.

Since I ordered the wrong series of parts last group order I will have to wait a week to check this out.