This is the second attempt to write the AVR code based on a technique based on the autonomous vehicle project described at
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------13.c $Revision: 1.2 $ Author: Donald Delmar Davis Date: 08feb03 Purpose: port of sketchy to avrgcc. Credits: AVR-GCC test program #4 (Author: Volker Oth) / Autonomous car program. */ //#if defined (__ATmega163__) //#define __AVR_ATmega163__ 1 #define __AVR_ATmega8__ 1 //#endif #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/signal.h> #define ETRIM -200 #define STRIM -100 #define F_CPU 8000000 /* 8Mhz */ #define PULSESPACE 0xFFFF - 20000 #define PULSECENTER (1900 + PULSESPACE) #define SDLY(DEG) (1000+(11*(DEG))+PULSESPACE) #define EDLY(DEG) (1000+(10*(DEG))+PULSESPACE) #ifdef __AVR_AT_Mega8__ /* switch defines for dt107 */ #define SERVOPORTPINS PORTB #define SERVOPORTDDR DDRB #define E_SERVO PINB1 #define S_SERVO PINB2 #else /* switch defines for sim100 */ #define SERVOPORTPINS PORTB #define SERVOPORTDDR DDRB #define E_SERVO PINB1 #define S_SERVO PINB0 #endif //#define UART_BAUD_RATE 9600 /* 9600 baud */ //#define UART_BAUD_SELECT (F_CPU/(UART_BAUD_RATE*16l)-1) typedef unsigned char u08; typedef char s08; typedef unsigned short u16; typedef short s16; typedef struct _todolist { u16 shoulder; u16 elbow; u16 duration; struct _todolist *next; } todolist; /* uart globals */ static volatile u08 *uart_data_ptr; static volatile u08 uart_counter; unsigned char led; static volatile u16 sservo,eservo; static volatile u16 duration; static volatile todolist stufftodo[]={ { SDLY(-50), EDLY(0), 2500, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[4]) }, /* when right front hits back right tire */ { SDLY(0), EDLY(-50), 2500, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[4]) }, /* when left front hits back left tire */ { SDLY(50), EDLY(0), 2500, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[4]) }, /* when right rear hits fwd right tire */ { SDLY(0), EDLY(50), 2500, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[4]) }, /* when left rear hits fwd left tire */ { SDLY(00),EDLY(45),800, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[5]) }, { SDLY(10),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[6]) }, { SDLY(20),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[7]) }, { SDLY(30),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[8]) }, { SDLY(40),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[9]) }, { SDLY(50),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[10]) }, { SDLY(60),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[11]) }, { SDLY(70),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[12]) }, { SDLY(80),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[13]) }, { SDLY(90),EDLY(45),800, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[14]) }, { SDLY(90),EDLY(50),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[15]) }, { SDLY(90),EDLY(40),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[16]) }, { SDLY(90),EDLY(45),800, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[17]) }, { SDLY(80),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[18]) }, { SDLY(70),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[19]) }, { SDLY(60),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[20]) }, { SDLY(50),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[21]) }, { SDLY(40),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[22]) }, { SDLY(30),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[23]) }, { SDLY(20),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[24]) }, { SDLY(10),EDLY(45),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[25]) }, { SDLY(00),EDLY(45),800, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[26]) }, { SDLY(00),EDLY(50),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[27]) }, { SDLY(00),EDLY(40),100, (todolist *) &(stufftodo[4]) } }; #define RFSWITCHTODO ( (todolist *) &(stufftodo[0]) ) #define LFSWITCHTODO ( (todolist *) &(stufftodo[1]) ) #define RRSWITCHTODO ( (todolist *) &(stufftodo[2]) ) #define LRSWITCHTODO ( (todolist *) &(stufftodo[3]) ) static volatile todolist *thingtodo=&(stufftodo[4]); /*;**********************Timer 1 overflow************** *;brings two servo lines hi, reloads servo position values *; *;_______|-|____ *; / *; | *; overflow here */ SIGNAL(SIG_OVERFLOW1) { sbi(SERVOPORTPINS,E_SERVO); sbi(SERVOPORTPINS,S_SERVO); outw(TCNT1,PULSESPACE); outw(OCR1A,eservo); outw(OCR1B,sservo); } SIGNAL(SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1A) { cbi(SERVOPORTPINS,E_SERVO); } SIGNAL(SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE1B) { cbi(SERVOPORTPINS,S_SERVO); } SIGNAL(SIG_OVERFLOW2) { outb(TCNT2,0); /*(i dunno if this is necissary )*/ if ((--duration)<=0) { thingtodo=thingtodo->next; } else { return; } sservo=thingtodo->shoulder+STRIM; eservo=thingtodo->elbow+ETRIM; duration=thingtodo->duration; } void main(void) { outb(TIMSK,(_BV(TOIE2)|_BV(TOIE1)|_BV(OCIE1A)|_BV(OCIE1B))); /* enable TCNT overflow */ outw(TCNT1,0xFF00); // idea is to start with an interupt (not sure if this wil work). outb(TCCR1A,0); outb(TCCR1B,2); // ck/8 duration=10; cbi(ASSR,AS2); outb(TCNT2,0x00); outb(TCCR2,3); // ck/1024 eservo=PULSECENTER+ETRIM; sservo=PULSECENTER+STRIM; outb(SERVOPORTDDR,0xff); /* servoport = output */ outb(SERVOPORTPINS,0x00); /* switch outputs off */ sei(); /* enable interrupts */ }