MyUsb and the DTR pin.

Posted by & filed under Avr Development.

It seems like all I do nowadays is to try to decipher other peoples code. Which make a body feel a lot like a teething toddler. One of my projects is an an avr programmer based on the new AT90USBĀ  using Dean Camera’s MyUSB library. In it there are two examples using the driverless serial… Read more »

Breadboard Thingy (rethinking the ft323rl board)

Posted by & filed under Dorkbot.

I sent my son to his mom’s with one of the USB Serial boards I built along with a breadboard, an RBBA a pile of resistors and an led array. I thought about this arrangement and decided that I would try to build a breadboard attached programmer that would not be dangling off the edge of the board and in the way.

A single sided ft232rl based arduino programming board.

Posted by & filed under Dorkbot.

I was so happy with the boards I did the other day that I decided to make some small boards for the ft232 so that aidan would have a programmer for his breadboard RBBA. I made 20 of these boards so if anyone wants one they can order the following parts to the group order.

Benito: My first at90USB162 project.

Posted by & filed under Avr Development, Wiring/Arduino.

Introduction. The Benito Board is an at90USB162 board intended for use in programming and communicating with microcontrollers which have serial based bootloaders. Among those are the Phillips lpc21xx series ARM chips, the Dallas Semiconductor, DS500x family and Atmels using any number of STK500 compatible bootloaders. In the case of the Atmel and Phillips chips, a… Read more »

Arduino Programmer

Posted by & filed under Avr Development, Wiring/Arduino.

This was started at It is part of the way that I do programming on the avr platform and the Arduino. I was using the programming half of a a bulky prototype that I have been working on to program an RBBa based maze solving mouse and I looked at the pile hanging precariously… Read more »

The $15 Wiring Board

Posted by & filed under Avr Development, Wiring/Arduino.

This was started out as one of my things for Thing-A-Day (2008) ( This follows my work getting the wiring software platform working on some generic mega128 boards. It is somehow related to my work on reducing the costs of the Arduino runtime to less than $4 I recently found the code for an Stk500v2… Read more »

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