Last week Eric (dr twist) and I got carried away and scored 100 Really Bare Bones Boards (rev A) from wulfden ( for $1.10 a board with shipping, along with the last group order which we ordered enough parts to make the 100 into “kits”. In order to program the 168s I built a programmer around Dean Camera’s “Buttload” ( butterfly based programmer and the 28 pin ziff socket that Paul Stoffregen ( offered to loan us.
Posts By: feurig
Day 29: Thing 29: One more thing
(Archive of: Today I “made” my 12 year old son program his own robot on his own computer. It’s not a thing necissarily but a culmination of things (1,10,24,and,26). I didn’t take photographs of him doing it but I had him download the arduino platform and then walked him through running the blink example… Read more »
Day 28: Thing 28: Charley plexed display
(Archive of: Today I made the software for some hardware that I built a while ago. The origional question was if I got 15000 leds for next to nothing and it costs 4-15 per 8×8 array (with the 4$ solution also needing 4 to eleven additional parts) to drive them are we getting anywhere?… Read more »
Day 27: Thing 27: The last of the 4 led arrays
(Archive of: And then there were 4. Since this is finally the end of this particular resin. I also went to get the right casting resin. Now to wire them up….
Day 26: Thing 26: PC Based Arduino Programmer.
(Archive of: Since Aidan’s main computer is my old Del Lattitude running XP I realized that I should build a programmer for his system as it has a serial port. Basically its a max232 in a translucent plastic box with a buffer to drive some blinking lights so you know things are transmitting and… Read more »
Day 25: Thing 25: AntiSocial(ism)
(Archive of: I went to radio shack about a month ago and bought an utrasonic distance sensor made by parallax called a ping))). I have been feeling cranky and anti social lately so I thought I should make something that didnt want to be bothered. I am considering adding an air horn for people… Read more »
Day 24: Thing 24 — Mouse Whiskers (touch sensor)
(Archive of: Two weekends ago Aidan and I went to radio shack and he was looking at these $9 bug bots which have a sound sensor, two touch sensors (antennae) and 6 legs. He was very interseted in both the walking mechanism and the touch sensor. We decided that we should add one of… Read more »
Day 23: Thing 23: DELETED!!! (Button and screen)
(Archive of: After the last two days of disaster I got a new board in the mail. It has one of the new atmel USB avrs on it which I would like to work with instead of the the ftdi chipset for programming avrs and arduinos. Rather than attempt to do another complicated and… Read more »
Day 22: Thing 22: The $15 Wiring Board
(Archive of: Since I had so much trouble yesterday porting with getting the bootloader on a new processor I though I should try something easier (these are things that I have been meaning to do for some time so it seemed appropriate to try them on a timeline). Recently someone published the code for… Read more »
Day 21: Thing 21 — Fred 644 (an attempt to port Arduino to another processor)
(Archive of: ) I wound up on the bus for much of the day so I took my laptop and ported the arduino “Core” to atmel’s Mega644 which has 4 times the memory of the new arduino as well as almost twice the number of pins avaliable. When I got to the bootloader I… Read more »