Here is a small example of using the arduino/wiring platform to control things in the real world.
A pretty good reference for the controlling stepper motors can be found at.
The following Circuit fleshes out the sketch at the site above.

And finally here is the sketch to make it go.
/* Rapha Roller Race Controller. * The Rapha Roller Race Controller is for a 4 bike 500 meter race The bikes are on rollers which * produce pulses. The pulses are used to drive a dial per bicycle which is controlled by * a unipolar stepper motor, the dials are geared such that two pulses two each one * motor half "step" results in 500 meters per complete revolution. * * This program uses wirings External Interrupt Mechanism. The program loop is used to * watch the control panel and move the dials to a starting position. * * NOTE: RABBID PROTOTYPE! This was done in a very make it work NOW mode. * I am certain there are more elegant solutions. * * Author Donald Delmar Davis, Tempus Dictum Inc. */ #define NMOTORS 4 #define NPINS 4 #define NSTATES 8 #define HALFSTEP 1 #define FULLSTEP 0 #define FORWARDSTEP 1 #define BACKWARDSTEP 0 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Pin Mapping */ #define SWITCH1PIN 34 #define SWITCH2PIN 35 #define SWITCH3APIN 49 #define SWITCH3BPIN 50 #define LEDPIN 48 #define BIKE1 36 #define BIKE2 37 #define BIKE3 38 #define BIKE4 39 int motorPins[NMOTORS][NPINS]= { { 11, 9, 10, 8 } , // ccw is forward { 15, 13, 14, 12 }, { 20, 22, 21, 23 }, { 16, 18, 17, 19 }, // { 8, 10, 9, 11}, // cw is forward // {12, 14, 13, 15}, // {23, 21, 22, 20}, // {19, 17, 18, 16}, }; int pulsesPerStep=2; volatile int pulseCount[4]={0,0,0,0}; volatile int pulseMod[4]={2,2,2,2}; int ledState = HIGH; int switchState=LOW; int delayTime = 10; int motorState [NMOTORS] = {0,0,0,0}; int pinStates[NSTATES][NPINS]= { { HIGH,LOW ,LOW ,LOW } , { HIGH,HIGH,LOW ,LOW }, { LOW ,HIGH,LOW ,LOW }, { LOW ,HIGH,HIGH,LOW }, { LOW ,LOW ,HIGH,LOW }, { LOW ,LOW ,HIGH,HIGH }, { LOW ,LOW ,LOW ,HIGH }, { HIGH,LOW ,LOW ,HIGH } }; /* ------- */ void stepit (int motorNum, int stepDir, int stepSize) { int stateSkip=2; int pin; if (stepSize==HALFSTEP) stateSkip=1; if (stepDir==FORWARDSTEP) { motorState[motorNum] += stateSkip; if (motorState[motorNum] >= NSTATES) { motorState[motorNum]=0; } } else { if (motorState[motorNum] < stateSkip){ motorState[motorNum] = NSTATES-1; } else { motorState[motorNum] -= stateSkip ; } } for (pin=0 ; pin < NPINS ; pin++) { digitalWrite(motorPins[motorNum][pin], pinStates[motorState[motorNum]][pin]); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------setup() * * * */ void setup() { int motor; int pin; for (motor=0;motor<NMOTORS; motor++){ for (pin=0; pin<NPINS; pin++){ pinMode(motorPins[motor][pin],OUTPUT); digitalWrite(motorPins[motor][pin],pinStates[motorState[motor]][pin]); } } pinMode(LEDPIN,OUTPUT); pinMode(BIKE1,INPUT); pinMode(BIKE2,INPUT); pinMode(BIKE3,INPUT); pinMode(BIKE4,INPUT); pinMode(SWITCH1PIN,INPUT); pinMode(SWITCH2PIN,INPUT); pinMode(SWITCH3APIN,INPUT); pinMode(SWITCH3BPIN,INPUT); attachInterrupt(4, bike1, RISING); // attachInterrupt(5, bike2, RISING); // attachInterrupt(6, bike3, RISING); // attachInterrupt(7, bike4, RISING); // // Serial.begin(9600); // Starts Serial to print data } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************* Interrupt Handlers ********************************* */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------bike1() */ void bike1() { //Serial.print("bike1 "); ++pulseCount[0]; if ((--pulseMod[0]) == 0 ){ stepit(0,FORWARDSTEP,HALFSTEP); pulseMod[0]=pulsesPerStep; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void bike2() { //Serial.print("bike2 "); ++pulseCount[1]; if ((--pulseMod[1]) == 0 ){ stepit(1,FORWARDSTEP,HALFSTEP); pulseMod[1]=pulsesPerStep; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void bike3() { //Serial.print("bike3 "); ++pulseCount[2]; if ((--pulseMod[2]) == 0 ){ stepit(2,FORWARDSTEP,HALFSTEP); pulseMod[2]=pulsesPerStep; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void bike4() { //Serial.print("bike4 "); ++pulseCount[3]; if ((--pulseMod[3]) == 0 ){ stepit(3,FORWARDSTEP,HALFSTEP); pulseMod[3]=pulsesPerStep; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************* Main Loop ****************************************** *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ void loop() { int currentMotor; currentMotor=(digitalRead(SWITCH1PIN)*2)+digitalRead(SWITCH2PIN) ; switchState=digitalRead(SWITCH3BPIN); if (switchState==HIGH) { stepit(currentMotor,FORWARDSTEP,HALFSTEP); } switchState=digitalRead(SWITCH3APIN); if (switchState==HIGH) { stepit(currentMotor,BACKWARDSTEP,HALFSTEP); } ledState=!ledState; digitalWrite(LEDPIN,ledState); delay(delayTime); }