(the -> means estimate based on gps data from the bus, * means scheduled time) A while a go TriMet opened up several APIs to let people access its Transit Tracker data. Since the bus on our route is rarely on time its always nice to know if you can relax and eat your breakfast… Read more »
Posts By: feurig
Cooking with the Maple Bacon, Saturday 25AUG12, 1-5 FreeGeek, $40
Suspect Devices Presents: Cooking with Maple Bacon In this workshop we will introduce the Leaflabs Maple platform using our own varient of the maple mini, the “Maple Bacon”. This will be a software only (no soldering required) class and it will focus on programming. An introduction to the Maple IDE and a comparison of it… Read more »
Woman’s Arduino Cult Induction, 29jul12, at freegeek ($35)
Bacomatic 5000 session notes.
Here are the missing links and notes from my Open Source Bridge Talk for 2012. A web copy of the slides are at http://suspectdevices.com/TheBaco-matic5000-OSB/. arduino.cc — makers of the arduino. www.leaflabs.com/ — makers of the Maple platform. pjrc.com — maker of the teensy++ https://github.com/soycamo/maplebacon — hardware for the bom5k and the maple bacon. https://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple — libmaple… Read more »
Arduino Cult Induction, FreeGeek 19May12 1-5pm, $35
Space is limited to 15 people so please RSVP sooner rather than later. http://suspectdevices.com/workshops.html
Austin likes the Bacon!
Cameron and I had a refreshing change of attitude and latitude, last weekend. Dorkbot Austin let us introduce them to the Maple Bacon which was well received. Thanks DorkbotATX! Photo from dorkbotatx’s twitter feed @dorkbotatx
Two small sketches that will not work on your Arduino Mega2560.
A few months ago Paul Stoffregon asked to borrow an arduino mega 2560 to look at a bug that he was working around. I had access to several as I was working on a project for a client that was based on the same board. Around the same time I made the mistake of trying… Read more »
Very Good! Very Nice! Very Easy I Wish You Could Smell This.
For a while we have been working with a board that Cameron created called the Maple Bacon (http://github.com/soycamo/maplebacon), as well as a logging and wireless shield that we are calling the Baco-matic5000. The maple bacon is a clone of the maple mini (http://leaflabs.com/docs/hardware/maple-mini.html) . The point in recreating it was that LeafLabs did not stock… Read more »
My $33 linux box.
The dorkbotPDX mailing list recently posted a link to a 25 dollar arm linux based nas called the PogoPlug. It was pink and ugly but it was $33 with shipping, so I bought one. It was stashed conspicuously under the rug by the nice people at UPS yesterday after I signed a slip saying they… Read more »