I wish I had seen Ladyada’s blog about getting off the fence about kicad before she closed comments to it. I just ran up kicad on my mac and its still not ready for prime time. The worst part of it is that the designs that are in kicad are stuck in kicad. It scared… Read more »
Posts By: feurig
Getting Old School!
Arduino Cult Induction 30OCT11 at ADX Introducing the TAD (a Through-hole Arduino compatible Design). During this quarter’s induction we are going to try something different. We are going to build a complete arduino compatible board made entirely of through hole components. Called the TAD (for Through hole Arduino compatible Design) The board uses… Read more »
T.A.D. a Through hole Arduino-compatible Design
Way back when the Arduino started out, you could lay out a single sided through hole design. People were encouraged to make their own. Then along came computers without serial ports and the need for everything to be USB and suddenly you couldn’t design an Arduino without a 4 dollar surface mount chip. So some… Read more »
A good stubby phillips.
Whenever I look at integrating avrdude into a software solution I find myself thingking about how useless the “Phillip”s bit on a Leatherman(tm) tool is and how many times I have hurt myself using it when it was the tool on hand.
MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Arduino Cult Incution — 01May11, PNCA, $35
I wont be able to get you into the Illuminati Motorcycle Club, But i can lead you down the path to the dark side. Join me on mayday for the Next Cult Induction. http://dorkbotpdx.org/workshop/arduino/cult_induction_rev8
New Workshop Schedule
Please join us on the last Sunday of the month for one or more of these opportunities to learn. This may change somewhat given schedule conflicts withe PNCA which has graciously hosted these classes for the last 3 years. I will be at the open lab Sunday and would like to discuss what could be… Read more »
Arduino Cult Induction — 30 January 2011 — PNCA ($35)
The Modern World Video Game.
This is an art piece that I did for a show in Spokane. When the Riverspeak people were talking about this show I had planned to work on a pendulum design that I have been toying with for some time.. As a secondary piece I wanted to use this beautiful 50s television that is in… Read more »
Benito 2010 (e) Parts List.
Qty Description Digikey # Price @ ~ 25 1 IC MCU 8BIT 32KB FLASH 32TQFP ATMEGA32U2-AU-ND 2.76360 2 CAP CERAMIC 1.0UF 10V X5R 0603 399-3118-1-ND 0.03600 2 RES 22 OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD 311-22GRCT-ND 0.03480 4 RES 220 OHM 1/10W 5% 0603 SMD RHM220GDKR-ND 0.10820 1 LED 5MM BI-COLOR RED/YLW DIFF 754-1472-ND 0.18840 1… Read more »
Benito changes.
One of the benefits of having laens pcb order available is that I can test design changes iteratively and explore other possibilities. The benitos i am using in the induction this month are the result of three iterative changes based on the original Benito and a redesign done by Monty Goodson a few years back…. Read more »